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Employee pin

Recognize Employees With A Lapel Pin

How Can a Lapel Pin Be Used to Show Appreciation to Your Employees?​ Employees are a company’s most valuable asset. ​ Duh. Sure, anyone in business knows that…or should. But here’s the thing, although we all realize employees should be appreciated doesn’t mean we’re all aware of the opportunities to reward, in small and significant […]

Law enforcement pin showing numbers 12764

Lapel Pins For Law Enforcement

Lapel Pins Have Been a Part of the Law Enforcement Culture for a Long Time. The use of police lapel pins in law enforcement can be traced back to the first known use by the New York City Police Department in 1905. All officers were issued a brass pin that was worn on their lapel […]

restaurant pin

Lapel Pins Are a Tasty Treat for Restaurants

Lapel Pins For Restaurants Eating out is one of America’s great pastimes. However, prior to the 1950’s, restaurants mostly catered to adults only. There wasn’t a “family-friendly” restaurant concept. That changed because, among other things, the rise of the nuclear family and the massive effort to build a highway system in America made fast food […]

jaguar coventy pin

7 Ways Schools Can Graduate to Lapel Pins

Although it’s February, graduations will be here before you know it. A time when teachers, coaches and administrators look for unique, economical and fun ways to show gratitude and support for everyone involved in making the Class of 2023 the best it could be. Whether in elementary, middle, high school or at the university or […]

security lapel pin

Private Security Lapel Pins

Take your security company appearance to the next level with quality security lapel pins. PinMaxx custom designs lapel pins for private security companies. We help make your employees look professional AND official. Does your security company contract with homeowner’s associations, government agencies, private companies or individuals to provide safety and security? Rely on PinMaxx for […]

New Jersey fire department lapel pin

Firefighter Lapel Pins

What Types of Pins Can PinMaxx Design For Fire Departments? Ready to try a new design for your fire department’s lapel pins? At PinMaxx our designers can custom design Soft Enamel, Cloisonné, Die Struck and Offset Printed lapel pins for fire fighters and public safety organizations. Our pins can be worn on shirt collars, ties, […]

lapel pin collage for how to wear multiple lapel pins

How To Wear Multiple Lapel Pins?

Do you have more than one lapel pin that you like to wear at the same time? That’s no problem! It’s very common and when done right, can look great. For example, some people may wear decorative lapel pins such as a flower pin while also wearing a patriotic lapel pin and a promotional pin. […]

girls softball trading pin

Little League Softball Trading Pins

Looking for Little League Softball Trading Pins In A Hurry? PinMaxx is your source of affordable pins for softball. Do you need 200 or more custom trading pins for your softball tournament? Our designers are top of the line when it comes to designing unique, colorful Little League Softball trading pins. Both youth and adult […]

high school sports trading pin

Sports Trading Pins

Looking for Sports Trading Pins? PinMaxx is your source! Our team of talented designers can create memorable trading pins for all sports including baseball, hockey, soccer, basketball, softball, and any other sport you have an interest in! Collectable sports trading pins are very popular particularly with youth organizations. We help sports teams across the globe […]

Little league baseball sports trading pin

Little League Baseball Sports Trading Pins

Affordable Little League Baseball Pins for Sale! Yes, we make the best sports trading pins for little league baseball. At PinMaxx our designers are extremely experienced in creating unique pin designs for baseball teams. Do you have a custom design? Great, we have worked with many teams throughout the years that have specific colors, and […]

Is Baseball Pin Trading a Hobby?

Yes! Baseball pin trading is alive and well. From Little League Baseball teams to Little League Softball teams and every sport in between, both kids and adults enjoy pin trading. Why do people trade baseball pins? Believe it or not there are a lot of memories tied to a baseball pin. For some it could […]

butterfly clutch backing on ribbon pin

Customized Lapel Pin Backings

Custom Backings for Your Lapel Pins At PinMaxx, we custom design a variety of lapel pins and offer several options for lapel pin backings. These backings can sometimes be called fasteners or clutches as well as attachments. The most common types of pin backs in the marketplace and the ones that we offer include rubber […]

woman wearing a lapel pin for healthcare

How Do I Wear A Lapel Pin?

Where Should a Lapel Pin Be Worn? The answer to this question varies depending on the garment the lapel pin is being pinned to and who is wearing the lapel pin. For Men For men wearing a suit, traditionally a lapel pin is pinned to the left lapel of the suit jacket just below the […]

flag lapel pin on a suit

Flag Lapel Pin Etiquette

What is the Proper Way to Wear an American Flag Lapel Pin? When wearing the American Flag as a lapel pin it is customary to wear the pin on the left side of your body and over or near your heart. It should never be worn upside down, backwards or sideways. If you are wearing […]

Flower Lapel Pin

When To Wear a Flower Lapel Pin? Wearing flowers is not just for a special occasion like a prom or wedding. If you love flowers, you can wear them anytime you want! Flowers are not just for women; men can wear them too. Lapel flower pins can be used to accessorize any outfit. Whether you […]

woman interviewing a man

How Can a Lapel Pin Get The Conversation Started?

Did you ever think a lapel pin could get a conversation started? YES! It can! For some people walking into a room where you know nobody can be one of the most intimidating experiences, while others who may be more extroverted thrive in those types of environments. For the population who would rather have a […]

pinmaxx custom die struck pin

Police Lapel Pins

Lapel Pins for Law Enforcement Does your police department need custom lapel pins? We have worked with police and law enforcement departments across the U.S. to design custom lapel pins for their officers. Not only are lapel pins needed in law enforcement, medical and fire department officers also typically have a need for custom lapel […]

woman using a custom lapel pin as a promotional tool

Custom Lapel Pins as a Promotional Tool

If you’re looking for a unique, colorful, and low-cost way to boost your business’ brand visibility, announce a new product or service, or broadcast a message of support to partnerships, sponsors, or customers, consider using custom lapel pins. These pins are highly visible since they can be worn or displayed in a variety of ways, […]

american flag lapel pin

A Definitive Guide On Lapel Pins, Usage, & How to Wear Them

If you’ve ever seen a small metal or enamel pin stuck to someone’s suit jacket, coat, or even dress, and you’ve wondered what it was, chances are you were looking at a lapel pin. Lapel pins are small, decorative accessories traditionally worn on the lapel – the folded flaps of fabric found immediately below the […]

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